Wednesday, September 27, 2006

Beauty Tips - Hair

For Shining or glowing hair:

Soak and grind a few whole green grams, lemon peels, a handful of curry leaves and a few rithas to a paste and apply to the hair before washing for about one hour.
Leftover rice water can be used for washing hair. It not only cleans the hair but also make the hair healthy and shiny.
Curly dry and rough :
The application of ripe avocado helps to keep the hair soft supple and manageable.?Massage a tablespoon of unsweetened gelatin and comb the hair straight. Leave on for 1 hour and rinse off. Do not shampoo the hair for a couple of hours. You could gelatin treatment every day as it will not harm the texture of the hair.
Pack: Take 1 egg, 1tbsp honey, 1/2tbsp olive oil and few drops of lemon juice

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